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A brief overview of the committee officer roles involved in running the 'day to day' elements of the club. All roles are open for nominations, election/re-election at the Annual General Meeting by club members.


As a Chairperson you will provide the most senior committee role and fulfil a range of duties with management of club affairs. You will run the committee and be responsible for the liaison and cooperation between club officers and sub committees (if relevant) and help lead the club to achieve their vision, short term and long-term goals.


Ideally, you'll need to be:

  • Experienced in leading/managing a team.

  • Confident and good at communicating.

  • Excellent organisational skills

  • Diplomatic and discreet.

  • Passionate about the club and its ethos.

  • Ability and knowledge to act as a spokesperson for the club.


What you will do:

  • Ensure that the club can adapt to meet the needs of the members.

  • Prepare the annual general report with the support of the Club Secretary.

  • Arrange and chair management committee meetings, emergency committee meetings and special/annual general meetings (AGM).

  • To manage the committee; to ensure that the committee runs effectively as a team and that they are able to assist in managing the running of the club. 

  • To monitor the club’s finances through close liaison with the Treasurer and Club Secretary and ensure financial documents are ready for meetings such as the AGM.

  • Provide leadership when needed and help give direction on the development of the club.

  • Contribute to the overall running of the club through committee membership.



The Club Secretary is the principal administrator for the club. This is a pivotal role in which the secretary carries out, or delegates, the administrative duties that enable the club and its members to function effectively. The secretary is to work with the chairperson in ensuring the smooth function, future development and vision of the club.


Ideally, you'll need to be:

  • Enthusiastic with a good knowledge of the club and people within it.

  • Passionate about the club and its ethos.

  • Be an excellent communicator with good verbal, written and IT skills.

  • Have strong administration skills, including word-processing and minute-taking.

  • Have excellent organisational skills.

  • Can maintain confidentiality.

  • Can work in partnership with others, both inside and outside the club.

  • Have the confidence to represent the club at external meetings.

What will you do:

  • To act as a main point of contact for the club, maintain records and information in relation to queries, all administration, and communications.

  • To deal with the day-to-day running of the club including all internal and external correspondence.

  • To organise committee meetings, general meetings, and AGMs, prepare agendas, take minutes, and distribute and communicate these as appropriate.

  • To have a knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other club committee members.

  • Receive and process club correspondence, accordingly, acting as the central point for all club correspondence and liaising with outside organisations

  • To ensure that the Club is registered with England Athletics

  • To ensure that the Club adheres to the England Athletic rules and guidelines and alerts the Club Committee of changes that require review.

  • Working with club chairperson and wider committee to have a joint vision in developing the club.

  • Contribute to the overall running of the club through committee membership.

  • To ensure that the Club London Marathon ballot place is allocated if England Athletics ballot successful.


The Treasurer of the club is responsible for producing and managing the club's accounts and finances and will be responsible for all income and expenditure for the club. Benefits of the role including being able to contribute to a well-managed and governed club and to have the potential to grow and develop the club's finances. The Treasurer should report to the Club Chairperson. Ideally you will need to be:


Ideally, you'll need to be:

  • Enthusiastic with a good knowledge of the club and its financial position.

  • Have a financial background and good knowledge of managing and producing accounts.

  • Have a knowledge of using and producing accounting spreadsheets or other accounting systems.

  • Be reliable and honest.

What you will do:

  • Be responsible for all club finances by ensuring adequate accounts and records exist

  • Plan the annual budget in agreement with the club committee and to monitor throughout the year

  • Provide updated current account information at the Club Committee Meetings

  • Prepare end-of-year accounts and present at the AGM.

  • Ensure that all funds are used appropriately and banked promptly

  • To maintain up-to-date records of all transactions and records of income and expenditure.


A community club is nothing without its members. That's why this role is so important. You'll not only manage existing memberships, but actively encourage new ones and deal first hand with the members themselves.

Ideally, you'll need to be:

  • Well organised;

  • Friendly and approachable;

  • Have good attention to detail;

  • Good with numbers;

  • IT literate (especially in the use of Excel and/or databases).

What you will do:

  • Manage everything to do with memberships, including types, subscriptions and renewals;

  • Take the lead on promoting new membership;

  • Keep the membership database up to date;

  • Ensure membership fees are paid and records kept;

  • Send information and fees for registered members to England Athletics;

  • Provide the Committee with information on members;

  • Ensure any medical conditions that have been raised through membership forms as passed on to Run Leaders on a need to know basis.

  • Ensure any disabled members that have provided information through membership forms have the opportunity to discuss additional support and information is passed on to relevant Run Leaders on a need to know basis if appropriate


The club Social Secretary is a key administrator for the club. This is an important role in which the secretary carries out organisation and promotion of club running events and social activities.

To fill the role the person will need to be:


  • Have excellent organisational skills

  • Be an excellent communicator, both friendly and approachable.

  • Can work with others both within the club and with external bodies.


The role will include the following responsibilities:


  • Promote, arrange and co-ordinate club social events. 

  • Encouragement of club members and provide support through club social opportunities.

  • Publicise planned social events, through social media platforms and internal member communications.

  • Point of contact for annual charity for supporting club events and initiatives.


The club welfare officer(s) ensures the club has a dedicated person with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about adults at risk. The welfare officer gives members a trained and trusted person to speak to about a concern, either within the club or at times outside athletics


Ideally, you'll need to be:


  • Interested in safeguarding and welfare matters.

  • Be friendly and approachable

  • A good communicator with strong listening skills.

  • Able to deal with sensitive situations with empathy and integrity.

  • Have an understanding of the importance of confidentiality and when information may need to be shared.


What you will do:


  • Act as point of contact and respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns.

  • Promote safeguarding at the club and encourage good practice.

  • Act as a verifier for DBS checks

  • Attend England Athletics welfare and safeguarding training as needed.

  • Report to the club's organising committee on safeguarding matters

  • Review and update policies and guidelines in line with England Athletics.


​The role of a Mental Health Champion is to support people to access the mental wellbeing benefits of running, remove stigma and get people talking about mental health. Champions will NEVER be expected to provide mental health support in the role but they will be provided with details of where to signpost people for professional support with their mental health.


Ideally, you'll need to be 


  • Be a positive role model

  • Adopt a positive, patient and supportive approach towards supporting people with mental health problems.

  • Have lived or experience of a mental health problem, either personally or from a close relative or friend.

  • Received training in a Mental Health related course.

  • Behave in a professional, confidential and non-discriminatory manner at all times and promote equal opportunities for all.


What you will do:


  • promote mental wellbeing through running by supporting the aims of #RunAndTalk, leading on the program and events/runs

  • be a point of contact for anyone experiencing mental health problems

  • work with the club to support its members to improve their mental health through running.

  • Support new people who are experiencing mental health problems to start running, get back into running, or continue running.


The club captain provides a "link" between the club officers and the members. It is the role of club captain to be an encouraging presence, to engage and represent the views of the members and to contribute to the development of the club through providing advice and guidance.

Ideally, you'll need to be:


  • Enthusiastic, friendly and approachable.

  • Qualified run lead or run coach (EA LiRF or equivalent)

  • Well organised

  • Be reliable and honest


What you will do:

  • Inform members of dates and details of club runs and race events and encourage participation.

  • Recognise particular member and club achievements and make these known to all of the club

  • Be aware of Health and Safety issues and maintain a record of accident reports. 

  • Maintain a positive and motivating presence, in person (at club runs, events, socials etc.) and via social media (Facebook, Instagram, email etc.)

  • Work collaboratively with the other captain & the rest of committee


The Club Social Media Secretary is a key administrator for the club, focusing on the club's social media presence and communications. This is an important role in which the secretary carries out regular promotion of club running events and activities, shaping content for both public and club member audiences.

To fill the role the person will need to be:

  • Have excellent organisational skills

  • Be an excellent communicator, both friendly and approachable.

  • Excellent knowledge of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Strava and/or Twitter.

The role will include the following responsibilities:

  • Creation and management of club social media content. 

  • Suggesting recommendations on the promotion of the club through social media platforms.

  • Work with Website Administrator on general web and social media posts and initiatives.

  • Contribute to the overall running of the club through membership of the club committee.

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