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BADRAT Couch 2 5k

Welcome to the BADRAT Runners Couch to 5k page! If you're here, you're probably seeking support to start or return to running in 2024. Well on this page we will explain how we hope to help you on your road to running journey. We understand this is a big step for many, and we're here to help you through the process and celebrate your achievements both along the way and when you successfully complete the program with us. If you've read enough and already know what to expect, please register below. If not, please read on.

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Common Questions

What is the Couch 2 5k (C25k)?

The Couch 2 5k or C25K for short, is a structured plan designed to provide a steady introduction to running for beginners. We don't believe in reinventing the wheel, so follow the successful NHS plan, that spans 9 weeks but in a group setting, this allows for a gradual increase in distance and running time in a social and supported setting.

What should I wear or bring?

All you need is a pair of comfortable running shoes and exercise clothes suitable for the weather. You may also want to bring a small water bottle.

During the winter months, please wear hi-vis/reflective clothing or gear for safety and a running chest/head torch is advised.

Also as we follow the NHS C25k app, it's advised, but not essential, to download the app to your : Apple or Android phone.

Who is it for?

The C25K is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

  • New runners

  • Former runners returning from injury or a long absence who want a structured way to rebuild their confidence, fitness or running mojo.

* Please note, the minimum age for participation in our C25K program is 18 years old.

What is included, and how much?

First off, there is no cost. Our aim is honest and simple, to introduce you to our favourite sport, and to support you to become a runner!

The program includes:
- 9 week structured C25k program

- A private Facebook Group and Messenger/Chat groups

- A final Parkrun Graduation run, supported by the BADRAT Runners team and it's members.

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How will the BADRAT C25k plan work?

Our 9-week C25K program will begin at 6:45 PM on Monday September 9th 2024. This is coordinated by our awesome team of volunteers, the program is overseen by a combination of committee members, EA qualified run leads and supported by several of our members.

The program follows the proven NHS plan but we know that everyone will progress at different rates over the 9-weeks, so please don't worry if you feel apprehensive! Here's what you can expect:

  • Weekly Sessions: Our team and members will lead a group session once a week, on a Monday, ensuring no one runs alone and everyone receives support.

  • Session Structure: Each session will include a warm-up, the C25K walk/run, and a cool down, lasting no more than one hour.

  • Additional Runs: The 9-week plan encourages running three times a week. We will provide support, guidance and plenty of encouragement for the two additional sessions to be done on your own.

  • Community Support: We love a community supported approach, therefore we will set up a private Facebook group for all C25K participants to receive the support, guidance and to ask any questions.

We're excited to help you start your running journey and celebrating your progress along the way!

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